Monday, July 28, 2014

“The House of Jacob shall Possess their Possessions” (8)

by Charles H. Welch

No.8. Peace as a result of Righteousness, 
and its realization. 

We have considered the meaning of the word ‘possess’ and seen the symbolism intended in the ‘treading with the sole of the foot’. Let us now take a survey of our blessings, and see how far we have ‘possessed’ them. Before leaving the picturesque background of O.T. story and of the Hebrew language for the more precise doctrinal language of the N.T. and the Greek, we may profit by pondering one or two passages which illustrate or demand the application of the principle we are examining. 

In Isa. xxxii. we read: 

“And My people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places” (Isa. xxxii. 18). 

What a delightful prospect these words bring before the mind, especially today when we see the awful results of unrest all around us. The dwelling here contemplated is not the temporary and transitory life in tent or caravan that is indicated by shaken, it is rather that dwelling, which is indicated by the Hebrew yashab, which means primarily ‘to sit’. 

“They shall not build, and another inhabit (yashab) . . . . . Mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands” (Isa. lxv. 22).

In one form of the verb, yashab is translated ‘inhabitant’ 25 times in Isaiah alone. 

These ‘habitations’ are not only peaceable, they are ‘sure’. The word thus translated comes from batach which means ‘to confide’, ‘to have confidence’. Batach is translated ‘trust’ more frequently than by any other word, and we give the following references in Isaiah as examples (Isa. xxvi. 4-7; xxvi. 3, 4; xii. 2; l. 10). Betach the substantive occurs in three passages in Isaiah:

“The needy shall lie down in safety” (xiv. 30). 
“Quietness and assurance for ever” (xxxii. 17). 
“Thou that . . . . . dwellest carelessly” (xlvii. 8). 

In the third place, these peaceable dwellings are called “Quiet resting places”. The word here translated ‘resting place’ is menuchah, and is a word full of meaning. 

It is the word used in Numb. x. 33 where we read how the Ark of the covenant went before Israel in the ‘three days’ journey (suggestive of resurrection) “to search out a resting place for them”. It was the word used by Naomi in her advice to Ruth to return to Moab, marry and find a home (Ruth i. 9). It provides us with the “still” waters of Psa. xxiii. (margin waters of quietness). Such are some of the blessed attributes of this ‘peaceable dwelling’. The reader may, however, be moved to ask how all this, good as it may be, finds a place in a series confessedly devoted to the idea of ‘possessing our possessions’. A glance at Isa. xxxii. 17 will show that what we have been considering in verse 18 is the ‘possessing’ of possessions which are there described. 

“And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness, quietness and assurance for ever” (Isa. xxxii. 17). 

Peace, and all its association, is the outcome of righteousness. Without a righteous basis there can be no true peace; there will be a compromise at the best which will break at the smallest strain. This is universally true; as true for the nations today as for Israel of old, and true for the Church for all time. The N.T. speaks of “The peaceable fruit of righteousness” (Heb. xii. 11). 

“Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Rom. v. 1). 

With Isa. xxxii. 17, 18 before us, we might well ask ourselves how far we have ‘taken possession’ of this gift of grace. Peace, assurance, sure dwelling places, quiet resting places, all are ours, for Christ is our righteousness, and “the work of righteousness shall be peace, and the effect of righteousness, quietness and assurance for ever”. Do we, in particular, possess our possessions? Is our abiding place characterized by quietness and assurance? Has the work and the effect of righteousness been realized in our own experiences? 

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