No.1. God is, and always has been,
“all in all” in creation.
A plan of action, presupposes a goal toward which everything contributes either by way of direct purpose, incidental assistance, or the overruling and directing of evil antagonism. That such a purpose is an integral part of the Scriptures is evident to all who have studied its teaching with any approach to understanding. To most of our readers, it is the goal of the ages, the purpose, which gives a life pulse to the most formal and ceremonial parts of Scripture, even as it crowns the most glorious of the triumphs of redeeming love. The goal of the ages is expressed in one statement made by the apostle Paul:
“That God may be all in all” (I Cor. xv. 28).
It would be only too easy at this point to allow ourselves to be turned aside from the main purpose of our inquiry, to the unfruitful debate which gathers around the Divine intention expressed in the second word “All”. To the question of the disciples:
“Lord are there few that be saved?” (Luke xiii. 23).
His answer was in effect, ‘see to it that you are’.
In the series of articles entitled “The Reconciliation of all Things” which ran through Volume VI The Berean Expositor we have given the answer that we find in Scripture as to the number comprehended by the ‘all’ who are reconciled and redeemed. That is not our chief quest now. For our present purpose it makes no difference to our approach or our conclusion whether ‘all’ is limited to Adam’s seed, to believers, to the elect—or whether it is as universal as creation itself—our concern is rather with the intention behind the first word ‘all’ of I Cor. xv. 28. What does it mean when it says “That God may be ALL in all”?
If we turn our thought to the witness of the heavens and observe the silent obedience of sun, moon and star, or if we consider the testimony of the creation around us, and observe the unbroken obedience—that is ever and always going on in the world of chemistry or biology, we can say that here, in this irrational unmoral creation, God is and always has been “All in all”. Never in the experience of human observation has the sun refused to rise and set, never has the ocean grown weary of its tidal regularity, never has the power of gravitation, or the law of chemical combination been transgressed. This fact is fully recognized in the Scriptures.
“Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power; for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created” (Rev. iv. 11).
“And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power be unto Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever” (Rev. v. 13).
If the words ‘every creature’ are construed as inclusive of mankind, then the rest of the book of Revelation, with its revolt, blasphemy, wickedness and wrath is inexplicable, but if they refer to creation apart from men and angels, all is harmony.
Throughout the Scriptures we find references to the perfect submission of all creation to the will and power of the Creator.
“Fire and hail; snow and vapors; stormy wind, fulfilling His word” (Psa. cxlviii. 8).
“He sendeth forth His commandment upon earth; His word runneth very swiftly. He giveth snow like wool; He scattereth the hoarfrost like ashes. He casteth forth His ice like morsels: Who can stand before His cold? He sendeth out His word and melteth them: He causeth His wind to blow, and the waters flow” (Psa. cxlvii. 15-18).
There is, however, no need to multiply these evidences. The reader will call to mind many a passage where sun and star, or the humbler creatures of earth are revealed as entirely subservient to the Divine Will. God has always been ‘all in all’ as Creator. Without this perfect alignment creation would vanish and the whole fabric turn to chaos. He upholds all things and by Him all thing consist. That, therefore, cannot be a future goal which has always been in existence from the beginning. When we look again at I Cor. xv. 28, we find that it is in a context that speaks of rule, authority, power, enmity, resurrection, immortality, sin, law, death and victory. These terms do not belong to science, they are out of place when dealing with creation as such, they are entirely related to man, his nature, his fall, his redemption and his final oneness with God. The goal of the ages expressed in the words “That God may be all in all” therefore looks to the one great exception in the earth—to man, the moral, reasonable creature, who can and did, by the very fact that he was moral and not mechanical, come under the category of ‘ought’ and in connection with whom even God uses the contingent “IF”. God Who is already ‘all’ in creation, will one day be ‘all’ within the moral realm; but whereas in the realm of irresponsible creation “He spake, and it was done”, the question never arose as to whether fire and hail, snow and vapours, or stormy wind, would or world not fulfil His Word; the creation, constitution and the probation of the first man, a responsible creature, as recorded in Gen. i.-iii. reveals an entirely different proposition. Here, the Lord does not ‘speak’ and find it done. In the material world, He had but to say “Light be”, and “Light was”, but in the moral and the spiritual world, no such instantaneous command or response was or is possible. In the very nature of the moral world, compulsory obedience, compelled love, coerced sanctity or commanded affection are impossible. Where probation has no place in the obedience of creation to the laws of its being, time and experience are essential factors in the work of grace in the moral sphere. It may have been necessary that the fitting of the earth for man should occupy six days, followed by one day’s rest, in order that it foreshadow the course of the ages, but the reader of the Scripture is made abundantly alive to the fact, that God was under no more physical necessity to occupy six days in the work, than He Who fainteth not nor is weary, was under any necessity to have the seventh day set apart for rest. With regard to man, however, and the purpose of his creation, time, probation, testing, experience, suffering, faith, hope, reward, punishment, all have their place, and it is therefore of the very nature of the subject that it should involve patient waiting, great giving, unbounded love, and grace beyond dreams, before the “all” which characterized God’s pre-eminence in nature should find its echo in the moral world.
When therefore the Apostle wrote “That God may be ALL in all” that ‘all’ must contain within its scope all that goes to make up the moral nature of man, and all that is reflected of the nature of God, both in the law of Sinai, in the gospel of grace, and in the person of Christ. We are now we trust, prepared to give this most important theme our closest attention, and we pray that light and truth may be our guide and goal as we seek to open up the Scriptures.